Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This site is dedicated to the men and women of the United States military—past, present, and future. All—regardless of service, rank, location, gender, race, and/or creed—have sacrificed something during their tenure as a defender of democracy. May the burden of loss be lifted from the shoulders of our sullen Soldiers, for theirs is a battle that continues long after they depart foreign lands and whose sadness wanes not in spite of the enormity and magnitude of their often intangible rewards.

Microsoft Word's dictionary function offers the following definitions for our name sake:


Hostilely silent-showing bad temper or hostility by a refusal to talk, behave sociably, or cooperate cheerfully

Cloudy and dull-dull and gray because of clouds, fog, or haze


military-somebody who serves in an army or other military service

dedicated worker-somebody who works with dedication for a cause

skilled warrior-a skilled and experienced fighter or military strategies

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